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Adding New Line in C++

There are two common ways to add a new line in C++: using "\n" and "std::endl".

Using "\n":

The "\n" escape sequence is a simple way to add a new line in C++. It instructs the program to start printing from the next line.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << "Hello\n"; // Using newline character (\n)
cout << "World\n";
return 0;



Using "std::endl":

std::endl is a manipulator in the C++ standard library that not only adds a new - line but also flushes the output buffer, ensuring immediate display.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
cout << "Hello" << endl; // Using std::endl
cout << "World" << endl;
return 0;



Comparison of \n and endl:

Both "\n" and std::endl produce the same output, but there are differences in their usage and performance.

Performance :

In terms of performance, \n is generally faster than std::endl. std::endl flushes the output buffer, which may impact performance, especially for large outputs. On the other hand, \n does not flush the buffer immediately, making it more efficient.


  • Use std::endl when you need immediate display of the output or when you want to ensure that certain messages are visible right away, such as in interactive programs or debugging scenarios.
  • Use \n in most cases where immediate flushing isn't necessary for better performance.

Understanding the differences between std::endl and \n helps in choosing the appropriate method based on the requirements of your program.

Feel free to use either method based on your specific needs!